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Minimize Production Time and Cost With Static Book Designs

TNT is currently working with publishers to create libraries of static book designs. Publishers maintain a collection of completed designs that can be easily applied to a manuscript. By removing time from the design process, and minimizing or eliminating expenses for sample pages, publishers are realizing significant reductions in cost and time-to pages. more information

Merging Print, Multimedia & New Media

For the near future, print is still the predominant medium for publishers to deliver their product. However, the number of special projects publishers create using audio, video, and new media to supplement printed material grows every year. As new means for creating, distributing , and reshaping content become available, TNT continually experiments with new technologies to find ways to adapt technological advancement to publishers' needs.

TNT used digital video editing software to capture and edit video for Stenhouse Publishers' Organizing for Literacy video series. Stenhouse used the clips to promote the series on their website. Click here to see some of the sample video we created for Stenhouse.

When Houghton Mifflin asked TNT what it could do to promote their Best American Short Stories of the Century audiobooks on the internet, TNT was ready to help.
RealAudio allows web surfers to listen to streamed audio over the internet, without waiting for a huge audio file to download. TNT converted the audio tapes into RealAudio files and streamed them from our servers.

Some of Our Clients

Boston College School of Law website
Harvard Business School Press website
Harvard University Press website
Houghton Mifflin website
Yale University Press website
Stenhouse Publishers website


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