Information about TNTEdit for Microsoft Word
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Basic Editing Functions

Tracking Changes

TNTEdit provides easy access to Word®'s Track Changes function to mark editorial changes. With a simple to use VIEW button, the template allows you to choose whether to view these changes on screen and whether to show them in the edited printout (deletions with a line through them, insertions with shading behind them).

Modified versions of Cut, Copy, and Paste functions allow the editor to preserve tracked changes when moving blocks of text.

Author Queries (AQs) and Editor's Notes (ENs)

These are the electronic equivalent to query tags and marginal notes. With a single keystroke you can attach a query to the author or a note to yourself (or a colleague) at any point in the document, including within embedded notes. (Word's Comments can be attached only to regular text.) Once you've created a query or note, it can be edited just like regular text. You can choose to

  • view or hide AQs and ENs onscreen
  • print either, both, or none on the page with the text
  • pull out and print queries, keyed to ID numbers and page numbers, in a separate document for the author's review

It's been our experience that authors respond much more carefully and thoroughly to queries printed in a separate list than to query flags or to questions scribbled in margins or printed as footnotes to the text. Having all the queries in one place makes cleanup easier, too.



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